On the 25th I'll be at the San Diego Comic Con. It's my second time going, and I'm thrilled to go back. It's massive. I will be selling my little black heart out as well. Here are the covers to my two sketchbooks. So if you missed out on 2005's book you can see my in SD or you can buy them in my store on my site.
I'm really excited about the new book it's some of my best work in awhile. and the color cover is great!
Have Fun at SanDiego, Sorry I didn't get my ad in time for your book. My PC had a problem scanning since the 'FIX' yeah they fixed it good. Took me ages to figure out what was wrong.
Enjoy hobnobbing with the likes of Mignola, Guenoden and Ham. And remember those who remain are very, very jealous!
Hello! I'm from Drawingboard.org - just thought I'd pop by and say hie! I love your art, and I wish I can be at SDCC this year to get your book, but money-wise I can only make it next year. Hope you have a good time in San Diego!
Hanie, Thanks!
I had a great time this year, sorry you missed it. I am selling my sketchbooks on my website for the first time. As well as some new shirt designs, that I'm really excited about!
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